
That's where the problem lies, I think; the lack of weight to most of the character deaths, and the sheer number of them. The tone of the book being what it is, it's hard to tell whether the inconsequential feel to a lot of the deaths is supposed to be a comedic motif, or a comment on how inured people in wartime

I'm sorry to hear that, and I'm sorry to bring it up; it sounds like a rotten situation. Is this a music-related internship? I seem to recall you saying that was the field you wanted to get into. Anyway, I hope things turn around for you. I'm currently in a bad place myself; though I'm wary of comparing anybody else's

You're probably right; I hadn't actually read anything of his before, but through reviews and word-of-mouth during the last decade-and-a-half, I'd been given to understand that the quality of his work had fallen off a bit since its peak. Though I'm sure plenty of those opinions may have been coloured by his public

Thanks! I'm really looking forward to digging into Prez and Gotham Academy; you make a good case for both of them.

Lovely! I've been making my way through the rest of the reviews you'd posted since the last time we spoke about this, and I'm enjoying them a lot. The bit about classic serials where the central character isn't the emotional centre in the Usagi Yojimbo review was very well observed, as was the final paragraph in the Al

(This might be a good place to start looking until @Shulkie gets back to you)

And good on him!

How did you feel about the (SAGA-RELATED SPOILER) rather frequent character deaths? It's starting to become more and more of a bugbear for me, even though I still love the book quite a lot.

Nextwave is the absolute best. If you (as any right-thinking fleshbag would) appreciated the series' portrayal of the almighty Aaron Stack, I highly recommend checking out the Fred Van Lente-written Marvel Zombie minis.

Congratulations on the internship! Hope it leaves you in a more optimistic place as far as your employment prospects are concerned.

Like @disqus_ymxDRk9ul9:disqus, I've only seen the preview pages, and agree that it looks fantastic. Studying the new releases for the round-up posts I usually do in these comments on Tuesdays, Black Mask's books have caught my eyes on more than one occasion. I hope they have a Comixology sale soon, so I'll be able to

I've also been lurking for yonks, but, like you, I recently made a decision to get more involved. It's been really rewarding, and my estimation of the people and the conversation echoes yours, definitely.

I only see "@The Anti-Monitor", for what it's worth.

Given how small the comics community on here is, I think it requires a bit of commitment from the involved commenters to make it consistent, nevermind to have it grow. Which is hard, given the rather non-persistent, exploded nature of this discussion platform. I tried marshalling some discussion when there wasn't a

That's a lovely list; I hadn't heard about Storyteller when I was putting together the above list of stuff, and the previews for the new one were very pretty. I picked up the first issues of both Prez and Gotham Academy in the DC Black Friday sale, and I'm hoping I'll be able to afford Plutona before Image's sale ends

The answer is yes, you do want to read Paper Girls. Hey, you asked.

Sorry, I guess our wires were crossed a bit; when you asked after more discussion, and mentioned the Newsarama and CBR forums, I thought you were talking about comics discussion in the community, and not the editorial content.

There, I finally finished the rest of the items. I know it's a silly exercise, but I feel good about how I've managed to stick with these things for the last couple of months. I do realise that most of it's shouting into the void, but it's a nice, low-stakes way of stretching my writing muscles, plus a small

I'm on board with that, and I'd be sure to try and contribute if you (or somebody else) was to start it up. I can't say I've attempted to expand the discussion beyond the regular comics posts, but I do try to write these (overlong) round-ups of the week's releases and sales, because that was something I missed in the

It came out last week, if I recall correctly. (Have not read it, though)