
Yeah, maybe I was wrong to lump Simonson in with the other two; I think my unease with his latter-day work has as much to do with his inking as with the colouring.

How is Island doomed already? Have I missed out on some news?
I just got #2, 3 and 4 in the mail today, and that's a damn hefty comic. Sad to see it go.

Do drop back in with an update when you've read the latter two; eager to hear how they are. I found it hard to tell if they were any good from the previews.

Some artists just don't look good with (today's industry standard) computer colouring. This seems to be especially true for artists that came of age before that kind of colouring became relevant. Both Chaykin, Brent Anderson and Walt Simonson look flat-out wrong with all those contours colourists seem so eager to

I'd really urge you to try it again; I reread it recently, for the first time since it came out, and it holds up beautifully (aside from the aforementioned stretches of butt-ugly Top Cow art).

I'm glad to hear that, and we should absolutely include other sales! I don't know which you prefer; for me to list these other sales in my OP, or if it's more visible/accessible if you chime in like you did this time?

Yeah, I need to get on that Valiant stuff. If I understand correctly, pretty much all of the trades are available on Scribd?

Here's how you tell them apart: one of them was a pretty great artist. The other was Humberto Ramos.

Carey was probably the most underrated Marvel writer of that period. His Ultimate Fantastic Four would surely have been one of the all-time greats if Pasqual Ferry had stayed on for the duration. It's still pretty good, even if you have to squint through that Tyler Kirkham awfulness to see it.

That's the thing, I do enjoy that style, but I think Epting's version of it is lifeless. He's just as good a draftsman as Guice and Weeks (who work in the same idiom), but he's miles behind when it comes to energy and character. I'd loved Epting for a long time when he started on Cap, but when Guice started filling

Thanks for the heads-up on Injection; very excited to read it now.

Noted. Does Epting get better, though?

Paper Girls #2 built really well on the first issue, and I think I'm all the way on board now. Chiang (and Vaughan I guess) brings so much character to this gang; I kind of get the same feeling as I would from watching an immaculately cast ensemble on a TV show.

Oh, no it's a post about this weekend's Comixology sales! Hide your wallets etc.

Live hard or Bri Brian, man.

So This Life is pretty much dead in the water, then? I absolutely love it so far, but watching it, I can't help but marvel at the precious naivete of the development executives who thought something this vanilla would ever be worth throwing money at in today's TV climate. Beyond the rather staggering quality of the

I strenuously disagree with this statement. The air tie looks amazing in the right context.

Southland is a deep cut, and it really shouldn't be. Those cable seasons were straight up amazing.

I agree with you regarding the sister-in-law, though I'm holding on to the glimmer of hope I got from the part in the first episode where they're sitting at dinner, and she catches the shrapnel from the argument resulting from Maggie's claim that Natalie spends so much time on her kids, and too little on herself:

It's filed under 696.969 ("construction of buildings, utilities")