
That's exactly what made me like it so much, I think. For me, satire and parody always work better as spices in a larger dish; they lose much of their effectiveness when expected to be whole enchilada. The chattering classes have been taking potshots at reality TV for more than twenty years, and so it's refreshing to

Don't worry, I'm 96% sure SKN here isn't an MPAA agent trying to trick you into divulging the illegal ways in which you obtain TV shows not easily watched through legal channels.

If the show keeps the level of the pilot throughout, I'm going to be very happy watching it for ten weeks or whatever. The seeming willingness to confront the truly dark shit and hopelessness inherent to the production of these kinds of shows does make me think that it has the potential to get even better as it goes.

I don't really mind the case he makes for "West End Girls" as a being a rap song, but like you say, some of those big declarative statements makes it hard to take the whole thing seriously. Like the Streets article he wrote a few months back, it really suffers from his apparent lack of knowledge about the history and

You a cycling fan, or was "Cancellara" randomly generated by the game?

I'm reading his JiM for the first time right now, and its reputation is not exaggerated. It's so much better than just about anything else Marvel was publishing at the time (aside from Hickman's FF and Waid's Daredevil, perhaps). Not even crossover tie-ins and a few issues from Whilce Portacio at his very worst can do

I would be really… impressed with Uber if they allowed their brand to be associated with a show about Nazi superheroes.

I read that as "puree yourself". Significantly nastier.

*a bright light emanates, angelic extraterrestrial choir starts singing*

I was never a big fan of their utility (fairies are much better value), but I always thought there was something satisfyingly weighty and, I dunno, tactile, about the potions in A Link To The Past. Not the flashiest of power-ups, but something about filling those bottles seemed comforting to me.

Ah, Luther. What a glorious mess of a show.

Rebecca Hall is pretty damn amazing in the BBC/HBO miniseries Parade's End. If you don't mind dramas and unpleasant characters, it's a treat.

Ready Player One is a load of old bollocks. Like la derive says below, it sort of works as nerd wish fulfillment, but there are so many other works out there who do the same sort of thing, only without RPO's noxious lack of self awareness.

With you on the Supergirl pilot. Either Berlanti didn't nab enough crucial personnel from his CW shows to recreate the magic, or he was saddled with the wrong network execs. Given how good his shows have been at melodrama (crudely manufactured or not), it was disconcerting to watch those elements fail utterly. Chyler

I'm sorry for being a glib asshole; I misread your tone as self-deprecating, instead of genuinely sad. That final sentence just made my inner 14-year-old (basically 90% of my personality) giggle, is all. Speaking of, your next final sentence summed me up to a tee, so I really should be able to recognise that

I always thought The Stranger was the primary publisher of the column, for some reason.


The Vandeli joke is choice. Good stuff!

The Kindle store is riddled with people who didn't let details like that stop them, and I'll bet none of them had as interesting a starting point as yours. I promise to buy the shit out of your when you self-publish with an appropriately garish clip-art cover jpg.