
Damn. As a fan of the show, I actually feel guilty for not knowing it was on tonight.

Seems like there has been a recent wave of new journalism/commentary in the videogame space with the launch of the Vox games site, Penny Arcade Report and…shoot, I think there was one other.  Where do you guys see yourselves fitting within that space?

Richard Kind also has a strong cameo in 'The Station Agent' that provides a middle-ground between his usual silliness and some tinge of sadness. It's nothing revelatory, but a good performance is a well-acted movie.

Haven't watched the ep yet, but I'm procrastinating at work. However, even if the mine had lost some of its bounce, there is still an explosion to shoot out the shrapnel that would be deadly. Also, the shrapnel wouldn't go out in a perfect line horizontally, it would spread up and down, so Tanner would be screwed.

I don't think it's necessarily retcon, but just a reflection of the experience through the years.

I almost don't want to listen to that because the description sounds so awesome. I'm going to have to find it.

I read that after watching Scrubs because someone had pointed out the obvious inspiration the book had on the series. I want to say that Bill Lawrence mentioned it on a commentary specifically regarding the episode where JD is stuck with an infected needle, but I'm not sure.

My sister was just starting her internship when this show started and confirmed that it had the right tone of being a new person totally overwhelmed in a completely different environment.  My dad, who did his internship about 30 years ago, watched the the part with the stomach puncture, and was just like, "Yep."

This is a great write-up, will the AVClub be covering the other 3 segments?

Can we please get more into why Judge Judy is such a draw in syndication? I'm sincerely interested in what kind of audience she draws.  This will likely send me to wikipedia for a bit.

Is the Glen Weldon quote from up top in this week's episode of Pop Culture Happy Hour, not the one listed for last week?

I've watched from the beginning, and as HatchetJob pointed out, appreciate it for the participant's respect and sportsmanship. All of the participants just want to be good shots and have a chance to play with the different toys…also, they usually 'fess up to their mistakes, there isn't a lot of room for excuses.

Taped up Napkin
Weirdly, I thought the bit with Barney and Robin arguing over the napkin was one of the best characters moments in the show.

Call back
Barney drops his food from his chopsticks once in the background, a call back to some random episode where you highlighted it as a smart piece of acting on his part.

Do you guys know if there is a collection of the series' music anywhere?

Got confused with 'Human Target'
…and man did that image have me confused.

Thank you for covering this
Seems a little off the beaten path for the TV Club, but I hadn't heard about this before, and would definitely like to see it now.

For gaming podcasts, www.castmedium.com provides a lot of good coverage of some of the best ones out there (I work on the site). It's not comprehensive for all the shows out there, but it does provide recaps a number of game & tech podcasts and we're about to post our own end of the year awards and recommendations.

Gaming Podcasts
No love for the Giantbomb Bombcast (http://www.giantbomb.com/po… I know that this isn't the biggest site for gaming-related coverage, but I feel like you've got to at least look into the market and the Bombcast is one of the best.

Jeez, did you guys hire already fill that spot for the copyeditor?