
Never stays in the Background
I skipped all of season three, and only caught this new episode when it showed up in my Hulu queue. Man, I've missed it.

Hot Fuzz
This episode might have actually equaled Hot Fuzz for action movie parody.

I could only last through the first episode
Before pulling myself into an embarrassed ball. Zack, you described the experience perfectly. Watching a show that relies on this kind of honest awkwardness just makes me relive all my most embarrassing moments and the experience is way to visceral (probably not the right

What time?
I could check the CIMM Fest site, but it was easier to log in.

That scene with the fries was one of the moments where the show ridiculousness seemed totally authentic.

I think NBC has completely given up on that show, to the point where the entire 2 seasons are available on Hulu right now.

Keen Eddie was a show that probably benefited from not having too many episodes; but it was well done and a lot of fun while it lasted.

Strangely, this combination makes me proud of Chicago.

Inveterate Evaluators?
If I knew what inveterate meant, I might be insulted or complimented. I will investigate without pause until I know which it will be.

Haha, I came on to comment on the Generation Kill connection, too.

They stamp passports with a panther claw when you enter the Island.

I wouldn't have thought of Gawker, but I see your point. I can think of analogues for most of the specific sections, (I'm still amazed the TV Club took me away from TWoP), but not the Club as a whole.

True, but I was more impressed with his ability to look comfortable while standing around awkwardly. While the rest of us just looked…well, you know.

Missed the drinks
I would have loved to stay for Crossroads, but had to go back to work. Were the post-reading drinks as awkward as promised?

Actually, it was me. I am no wizard.

I was promised a free shirt
And I've got an email to prove it. Hopefully I can pick it up at the Chicago book launch.

Better than the Hideout
I just hope your presentation and A/V skills have improved since the show at the Hideout last year.

It's such a procedural show, would it be all that interesting to cover? There's a little bit of a season-long narrative with Beckett's mother's murder; but otherwise the episodes are mostly just waiting for good one-liners from Castle.

Think of the cheeto fingers
No denying these products are ridiculous, (and if you want a real nerds try them out, sit through this: http://tinyurl.com/mfwb2x). However, for anyone that spends a lot of time on the computer, especially people that eat lunch at their desks, you do have to think about how dirty your

Online Deals
Pretty much the only items I know the MSRP of are videogames and DVD's, and I only know those so I can be sure I'm getting a good deal online. Through the Internet and bizarre deals offered by retailers, we really have no idea what the right price is for any one product, much less a category.