
Todd - I'm curious, what are the better shows? I assume CSI is a primary influence, but what are the others?

Too late to help Zodiac, but there is one item that can be impossible to get if you let a cutscene happen. Semi-spoiler so you know what kind of spoiler is coming: it's one of the 4 items you are supposed to get at the end of the game.

Drunk Copyediting
I kind of love the result of this mistake, but unfortunately, I need to point it out. Last paragraph, last word of the second sentence. I wish 'falir' could exist, but it's a word too beautiful for this world.

The scene where Silas made Jack kneel was so tense and emotionally charged that it almost seemed vulgar. Somehow McShane was able to read his lines with such disgust that I'm kind of surprised they let it run on TV, because his intent was so clearly crueler than the words.

"I'm here to testify."

It's on Hulu now!
ABC, you beautiful bitch. You've now joined the Hulu bandwagon. And it looks like the episodes are up the next day (at least, this one has).

Local Favorite
I just finished watching 'Fallen Angels' and while going through my Netflix Queue, I saw that the original 1972 'Solaris' is listed as a Local Favorite for Chicago.

As a modern day Narcissus, I'd like to make it; but I'll looking at something else instead.

Toe Pick?

The show's name
Does anyone else think the worst part of the show is it's name? Unless I'm missing something, it's really just a kind of silly pun where the show itself is hilarious.

"Thank god we don't have company buses."

@Treefingers - I think you're right, it's probably from Penny Arcade or maybe Tom Chick.

Stupid choices, fun decisions
I forget who, but someone said the morality scenarios were so obviously framed that they expected the villain to be twirling a handlebar mustache and tying the damsel to the train tracks. There's no denying most of the moral cases are pretty silly, but I appreciate the thought the

Redundancy department
Isn't "Dot.com" redundant? Shouldn't it be ".Com" or "Dot Com"?

Part of what helped it feel real in the beginning was the fact the hospital was dirty and rundown, so it actually felt 'lived-in' (or died-in, maybe). As the seasons progressed, they dressed up the sets more and tended to limit themselves to fewer areas; but I think the nature of the original, dingy environment

That place is pretty damn good, if a little expensive. However, they had the best bacon, egg & cheese sandwich that I've had in Chicago so far.

Same thing happened to me, and I was amused as well.

Responses were immediate
I was out at the Cubs game and missed the episode, but the immediate responses on my friends' HIMYM email chain when I got back were:

Castellanetta was just in Castle as a judge. He's finally expanding beyond being a horrible doctor in Arrested Development and some random animated role.

On the commentary for an episode of 'The Wire,' David Simon complained that going out with Elba was no fun. To start, Elba looks the way he does; and then even worse, once he started talking with his natural English accent, women had no chance.