
Better off Ted is a great show, but it's not a show conducive to a TV Club group. It's so wacky and there's so little continuity so far that there isn't much to say except for listing out the jokes.

@AJR - That is one of my favorite Futurama jokes of all time.

Commentary on Butcher's Bay
Does this version retain the creator's commentary that they had in the special edition of Butcher's Bay?

King David story in This American Life last week
Last week's This American Life episode - 'Mistakes were Made' had a segment in the very beginning where someone related a story about King David and the way that he was forced to pass judgement on himself through an allegory about someone else.

Couldn't do this, could do that
You already convinced me to check out the show, stop trying to tell me and Denis Leary how to lead or not lead our lives.

Nerd Shame
I don't know "Walter Simonson" and stopped reading to immediately check Wikipedia.

Helping recruits quit is one of the best ways to make sure they want to be where they are.

MBS - Yeah, you're right that it's still pretty easy to guess who dies and who survives for any movie, but something about Bay's films removes all of the suspense. It's just so obvious.

Even the Spec-Ops team in the desert was a joke. Of course the dude with the glasses that missed his girlfriend and weekends was going to die. Didn't he even have a southern accent?

'Sexing-up' - yes; 'charactering-down' - maybe. I just don't think she has had much good characterization yet, but the actress has gotten away with being damn good and fun. I think they can build her out a little bit more.

The enemies aren't a threat
This movie highlighted something that Joss Whedon has talked about: if the enemies aren't a real threat, then they aren't interesting. At no point in this movie does it ever seem likely that the bad guys will actually catch the main characters, and so the movie is just a boring chain of

Don't tease, Castle has continued to justify my man crush on Fillion, and the rest of the actors are doing pretty well, as well. Is it going to be become a part of TV Club?

I didn't get around to seeing the movie tonight, but the girl already lost the Dane Cook test. She thinks he's hot and hilarious, and never heard of Louis C.K.

This is definitely a kick-ass interview, Mottola had some really honest answers and it seems like you guys had a good rapport.

"I was aiming for his head."
Adam Baldwin apparently has to get drugged unconscious a lot in his roles, but damn if he doesn't pull it off to great effect.

Pheasbasl - You have seen the entire run of The Wire, right?

I just wanted to catch up on a show during some downtime on a Saturday afternoon, not start tearing up halfway through. Curse this show's quality.

Emporer's New Groove
I think one of the guys on Filmspotting just mentioned that movie as a favorite in the last week or two, as well. I remember liking it when I finally saw it, but there it was a such a forgotten movie, I never gave it much thought.

More importantly, the Queen's Secret Service codename is "Wedgewood." Awesome choice.

Voice of Reason
Good call on Marino as the voice of reason. He is impressively angry as the dad in Diggers, and is awesome.