
Indie games are definitely proving their value as pretty much the only games around that you can spend 3 minutes playing. Most triple-A titles spend so much time loading up, I'm bored before they begin.

I wish I had this
Watching the videos on his blog, I really want to play this; but I've already blown my unemployed gaming budget on RE5 and World of Goo this month. I regret nothing.

Bizzenger is definitely not someone I would want to be friends with, and he can obviously go a little crazy from time to time (look up video of him ranting about sports blogs), but I do want to reaffirm the quality of the book.

Texas forever.

@Murray - I'm not sure what her exact age/class is, but you're getting to the point that within the same amount of air time, Lyla and Tyra weren't much more than the same thing and they've both developed into pretty interesting characters (Tyra by virtue of the actress, and Lyla because of her supporting cast (in my

I don't think Madison has too much potential, since she (as of the last episode) has been written solely as the hot upperclassman interested in the starting QB (being insulted when rejected from the obviously stunted freshman doesn't quite count as characterization); but you are right about Jamarkus and Landry.

Ramblings of a fan
I don't watch FNL when it actually airs, so I have to wait at least until tomorrow for Hulu to post it; but as a fervent fan, I'm more than willing to check (and post) on a Friday night. I should admit right now, I come from the Riggins' school of drinking: "It's not too much if it's with family."

The phrase "less media-ready" gets you into the gorgeous territory of what games 'journalism' means, which gets into areas Donna has probably already answered in a lost response long ago. To which, I apologize for bringing this up again if she has, (yes, I'm afraid of her, even as just a commentor).

I'm surprised the TTP is as long as 3 minutes for Spore. I would have guessed it was more along the lines of 30 seconds.

I don't think they were planning on revealing anything all that interesting today. Wasn't their panel on something pretty technical on the first game?

OnLive Multiplayer
Aside from the technical issues of OnLive, like lag, I'm a lot more interested in the usability. No one has said whether the system will support multiplayer games, since those currently require Xbox Live or PSN logins. Stephen Totillo was clear that this is a competitive service to Microsoft and

Nowhere else to post this
What the hell, I'm catching up on Castle episodes now (ahh, unemployment). Anyway, I'm stealing his screensaver: "YOU SHOULD BE WRITING!"

@English Bill - Since Purho isn't giving his money back or anything like that, I think he is being realistic and just voicing his wishes for things to be different. Like Teti updated in his post, Purho's original vision was really grand and we can all probably accept that whatever it was, no one could realistically

I suspect that he's not upset that people are using simple solutions, but that they're shortcircuiting the creative enjoyment of the game in order to just beat levels. There isn't much fulfilling about beating a level in and of itself, that reward is really bare; it's a lot more satisfying to see how it can be done.

I would love to comment more, but as someone said above (or below), it's hard to find much to say without this becoming a love fest.

Don't forget the wrestling match with Peter Berg last season. That was an epic showdown.

The price drop rumor should be true, everyone thinks its the logical thing to do in the next month or two; but there's been nothing from Sony so far. However, it's worth waiting.

You and me both. I'm worried I will be a fan-boy moment, though, where I keep on thinking, "Why didn't he mention [X], it was obviously the most important part of the film."

Resident Evil 5
I could nerd out all day on this, but you don't need a PS3 to play RE 5 since it's on Xbox 360, as well. And depending on how you plan on using the platform, a 360 is a much cheaper investment.

Underpants are funny
Going along with pants are funny, Futurama and Simpson's writer Ken Keeler has claimed that the word 'underpants' is 20% funnier than 'underwear.'