
"Oh my god, it's a FIRE…sale."

Encouraged to see the movie
I can't bring myself to get into a proper nerd uproar about the changes, and I'm happy to see a positive perspective on the movie from someone that respects the source material. I'm actually interested in seeing the movie now.

I am seriously excited about 'Way of the Gun.' I didn't know that it had reached into any sort of cult status.

DMZ has been a surprisingly good comic so far, but I think that's be better as a mini-series on HBO rather than a movie. You can squeeze a full season or more out of the different narratives already in the comics.

Sam's Quote
"He has a last name like a female middle-distance runner." I like the line, but I'm not really sure I get it.

"Oh, you're opening the door for me."
I jumped in and out of this episode, but the Taylor Tag-Team was a lot of fun to watch. Especially Tami's running commentary when they left the house.

Sgt. Popwell's corpse in 'Hot Fuzz'? Nah, probably not, but he did have one thing this list is missing…

Matt's Assertiveness
Something that I haven't seen brought up is Matt's assertiveness/confidence with Julie. He was the one that came over, took them to the beach and made the moves. That's a far step from his normally shy behavior.

That was a weird "bones" episode. I don't go to the show for its realism or anything, but having a ghost present and helping throughout the episode seemed to go against the spirit of the show.

Lending my support to Frank Welker…or Dave Herman would also be a good one.

Scotch Flavored Drinks
They generally help solve all my problems. Now I just need someone who finds its sexy when I ruminate.

MBS - Please, that's nothing to my American Legion award for citizenship (or something). I got a medal. Well, more like a pin, but it had a case with a hinge.

PSYCH is an awesome show, but like others said, it's so light that it'd be hard to recap. TWoP at some point had a good explanation of the difficulties of covering a pure comedy show, in that it's hard to make fun of a show that's funny.

Fry: Ooh. "Big Pink." It's the only gum with the breath-freshening power of ham.
Bender: And it pinkens your teeth as you chew

littlealex - The first Tony Hawk is still recognized as a classic game, and I think the series was good until the third one. I didn't play them, but supposedly it was a nasty downhill ride for the next seven(?) games.

Claude - All the episodes are on Hulu, if you're willing to sit through the ads. I'm catching up on them now, too.

I think it was that there's a book of 'Inventory' features coming out, including ones that have run and new ones.

White haired and the kind of guy you want to buy a beer because he looks like he'd tell awesome stories?

Cousins, you say?