The Gabfest's Stephen Metcalf
I can't wait for the day our own Myles McNutt hunts down and beheads Metcalf and takes his place as The Highlander of scholarly gasbags.
The Gabfest's Stephen Metcalf
I can't wait for the day our own Myles McNutt hunts down and beheads Metcalf and takes his place as The Highlander of scholarly gasbags.
I think I (mostly) hated it
99.5% exposition and pointless what-iffery and .5% actual consequential plot movement. Surely there had to be a better way for Peter to learn the nature of the First People than this.
He managed to come up with something even creepier than the Weeping Angels IMHO. Especially loved the scene where Amy looks at her reflection in the window to see she's been frantically scribbling tally marks on her face.
Poor River
If her monologue is anything to go by, being in love with a Time Traveler is like living with somebody who has Alzheimer's.
Again with the snubbing of "Walking the Room"
This week they made farting noises with their palms! What does it take to impress you people?
Still no "Walking the Room"
I guess it's just an acquired taste.
It's like comparing apples to Nazi oranges!
Eh, I don't mind the slur as long as we remain at least slightly less shrill and/or annoying than the Cult of Whedon.
Poor Darryl's dreams were crushed
That whole Black President sure caught everybody unawares, no?
I heard that he's chuckled at Leno's monologue on several occasions.
What the hell kind of film can't think of a bug more menacing than a grasshopper to use as an antagonist? Seriously.
Pierce's Development
What I find really interesting is how we're slowly learning that Pierce isn't quite the incompetent boob he seemed to be in the first season. On the contrary: he's actually hyper-competent to the point that he's almost a savant; it's just that he's so childish that he channels that competence in…
Favorite line of the night
Mrs. Cape to li'l Cape: "Do you want me to read you 'The Cape' tonight? I'm really good."
That was my favorite Chang outburst since "Have you MET ME?!"
IMHO the tags have been weak in general this season.
I'm suddenly very curious much the series DVD for 'Happy Town' costs on Amazon.
Did anybody else flat-out not like the CDC guy's scene?
It just seemed like something that would have worked better in a cold open. As it was, it was very jarring and out of place.
I believe the proper term is "gringo".
More like mutually absurd destruction
To me, Darabont never seemed all that skilled at writing human antagonists that were deep, believable or engaging. In Shawshank, the gang of rapists were nothing more than walking talking prison movie cliches. On top of that, the warden a was pretty flat and uninteresting villain whose sudden swan dive into sociopathy…