Hot Fuzz.
Hot Fuzz.
When I saw the A, I had the sudden urge to fire up IMDb and see if Eric Stoltz played Marty McFly.
Nobody would know or care about him if Rotten Tomatoes had never been invented. And the kind of people people who obsess over a movie getting a 99% rather than 100 could have free time for more constructive pursuits, like rearranging their sock drawers five times a day instead of four.
Can't wait to bust out the moviola so I can watch it frame by frame. Like it was meant to be seen.
Wait till they send you the novelization of The Last Airbender.
And yet its getting 4.5s on Amazon and Goodreads
This could mean one of two things: the publisher accidentally sent AVC a copy of the first draft OR it might very well unseat "The Da Vinci Code" as the most overrated book ever.
The pitch
might as well end saying "Guaranteed to go from interesting and original to boring and turgid by the third episode."
That's a good point, Robo, but I sort of doubt that a lack of time had anything to do with it; they had months and months between FOX renewing the show and the return from hiatus.
I blame the psycho fans since they had a collective orgasm over the fucking awful Madonna episode.
If nothing elseā¦
It absolutely HAS to be better than The Last Airbender.
The audience with whom I saw it let out an audible groan.
I agree with you completely on Hiatt. That plot went absolutely nowhere. Just like the cardboard box plot.
I say again: Vic. Hiding a box. Dragged out over more than six fucking episodes.
@ZMF: Yes, pure perfection. Especially the thrilling season 7 subplot that revolved around Vic hiding a cardboard box from the cartel.
*emphasizes random words*
"Go fetch my fucking lithium" is now my favorite ZMF quote of all time. I don't know why, but it just is.
Everything I know about The Daily Mail I learned from The Thick of It.
A link to Common Dream?
Some people wear their politics on their sleeves. Sean tattoos his on his forehead.
Glenn Beck as Snowball!