Sitting *through* that turd.
Sitting *through* that turd.
If they did that, I suspect it would just be Genevieve Koski talking to herself. At least until the PTSD from sitting that turd caused her to curl into a fetal position and sob uncontrollably into the microphone for five hours straight.
As boring as V is…
…I could imagine a scenario where it pulls a "Parks & Rec" when it returns for a second season.
I'm as left-wing and anti-war as the next guy, but that film had some appalling anti-military sentiments.
Carlos. Fucking. Mencia.
It's not just that he's unfunny; he's also a despicable human being. For instance, if he's doing standup, whenever one of his jokes falls flat, he gets all pissy and starts berating the audience, claiming they're just too hung up on political correctness and don't "get" him because he's just…
Favorite Reunion?
As far as I'm concerned it has to be Juliet and Sawyer.
On Sue and Ryan
"Yes, there are things that don't work in 'Dream On' - I'm looking at you, scene where Sue and Bryan debate the relative merits of sports and the arts in high schools."
Yeah, it's kind of weird that we've seen Finn, Puck, Quinn, and Kurt's family lives but not Rachel's.
While I enjoy both Joss and Glee…
Let us hope the hardcore Whedonites never start mating with the Gleeks, because the resulting progeny would be the shrillest, most obnoxious breed of fanboy this world has ever seen.
You might be right. I've just gotten so used to Glee snapping back to the status quo at the end of every episode so I just assumed that Mercedes broke up with Puck after quitting the Cheerios.
"The Boy is Mine" was just weird
It set up a conflict between Santana and Mercedes and never really did anything with it.
The guy who played Francis in "Malcolm in the Middle".
Heh. I kind of like how this episode annoyed you to the point where you felt compelled to cuss out a fictional 16 year girl old for saying she feels fat.
I am not exaggerating when I say it absolutely baffles me that they're still having the characters shout the theme every goddamn episode. Do the writers think its clever? Do they think that their viewers are morons? Some mixture of the two?
Yeah, or he could at least spring for a thesaurus so he isn't parroting the same the same word. Every. Fucking. Time.
A silver lining? Maybe?
The fact that the show's going to have more episodes for its second season might force Ryan Murphy to slow the fuck down instead of burning through half a season worth of story in one episode.
At the time, I thought she was just going to be this season's "Bad Wolf". But I guess not.
@Snugglesworth: I'm not saying the Doctor had to mete out justice personally, it was just jarring that we didn't see any consequences at all for her actions.
Queen's culpability
Is it just me, or did the Queen get off way too easily in the end?
The misogynist line was seriously the funniest thing the show's ever done. Man remember way back in the beginning when Finn used to be the one the writers always went to for vacuous one-liners? All hail The Usurper, I say.