
Norton was on Smodcast a while back and told that story and many others that were equally fucked up.

King Diamond would be proud.
Is it just me or does that Enforcer riff sound a little like Merciful Fate?

Please stop encouraging these doorknobs.
That is all. Thank you.

I'll go out on a limb here and say that SoTC is one of the few games that lends credibility to the notion the video games can be "Art".

Fuck yeah!

Don't worry Futurama…
I'll wait for you, just like Seymour.

RE: The Ladies Man

This week in Observer sights…
During the open at the club, he walks through the background twice. I was actually relieved it was so early because playing Where's Waldo the whole episode can be a little distracting. Anyone else have that problem?

Motor City Psychopath
Ted Nugent references this week: 2! A new record!

I thought for sure that "I Like Big Tits" by Joe Walsh would be a LOCK. Instead, Fergie.

Close but no cigar. The CORRECT answer is Hobgoblins. It's the perfect storm of unbelievably shitty movie and wisecracks.

I was eating dinner. I dropped my fork. I think that says it all.

Is there even an actual game here or is it just a platformer devkit?

Her only regret is having Boneitis.

The FBI assistant's name is Astrid. I hope she sticks around. That actress is cuter than a sack of puppies holding teddybears holding pictures of babies.