
Even in the future nothing works!

I think people are resistant to Be Kind Rewind because of its tone which is unabashedly loving and unironic. It's about buddies (aw) who love movies (aw) and love their low-rent neighbourhood (aw). I am typically quite cynical about totally sincere/naive films and have an innate distrust of what I see as

was it werner herzog whose autobiography described kinski's "fart infested pants" or the other way around? I can never remember.


Actually, if you put someone really white like Jim Gaffigan next to Jake Gyllenhaal Jake would look pretty exotic if you ask me.

I am freaked out
that Avatar will actually get positive reviews. That would be a slap in the face to so many AV commenters. Oh, and it will also positively reinforce Cameron's descent into effects-laden Ferngullyism. Please, please, please let it be bad, let it be bad let it be bad!

I love you, Mike D'Angelo!

Floatin' Logs
Geezer Blogs
Senior Wogs (blackface)

True story, sadly. We played the Forrest Gump sountrack in my small town department store one evening, and got customer complaints (I think the Doors were on at the time). Then there was a policy change, and the only thing we could play was country western, so they bought an album with a songs from a bunch of

Shiners' Wars! Fenian Invasions!

youthful job in retail RUINED by phil collins as-interpreted-BY-ORCHESTRA over the PA non stop.

bees coming at you, on an angle, housewives, cars, + BMX action finale!!

word, shaggydog! frigging imperialist asshats!

missed music op by going with Asteroids:
and if you played DEFENDER I could be your hyperspace!

best thing about that clip: nobody went to commercial!

every single day of my life, i want to chuck my job, winter, paycheques, mortgage, polite friends and BE THE DUDE!

Ganolfini is probably more like Matthau in the old film - should have made him the star. Travolta could have been one of the Japanese tourists.

I am looking forward to a few months from when now, after it tanks, and I have forgotten all about this desecration!

What A-list actor HASN'T gone retard yet? Who can we expect next?

C'mon Okanaganties, do you remember…
Local pet store, "Chow Town" would air its big fish blowout commercial once a year with OKTOBERFISH - complete with tubas, accordions, lederhosen and glass steins full of goldfish. Having grown up in media retarded Canada this is nowhere to be found on youtube.