

I had no idea it was a David Gordon Green movie until the end. This movie's a true gem.

Still trying to determine that myself Mr. Fr, but try avoiding dubiously-conceived NBC shows to start.

Lol it's true. How about:

As an Asian guy, I can only say, "Oh shit this is going to be bad."

Truth. But it's still odd how there's no discussion of Asians on TV? Legitimate question! looking for some insight.

Ctrl + F "Asian" 0 results. When we talk about diversity, we're really talking about black and latino only correct?

I went to my first "The Room" screening at Sunshine Cinemas last Friday. My favorite comment of the night came when the camera was at a curiously steep angle:

Thanks for naming 2 (Ken Watanabe is Japanese).

Oh guess I had to have been there.

Serious question guys. Why aren't there more Asian Americans in media?

I don't get it.