Maize Kraize

No Order:

A$AP Rocky's album bugs me, because it opens with the best moment on the whole record.  The second he comes in with "I THOUGHT I'D PROBBLY DIE IN PRISON" is the fucking coolest thing.

@avclub-63706c2231765ca840e9a60a76fae00a:disqus - At this point, "Bound 2" is a running joke between my friend and I.  We will occasionally say something totally meaningless, and the other will respond by aggressively shouting "BOUND!"


The bride is a C+, but the ceremony was so stressful he had no choice but to give it a C-.

Yeah.  Anything with Rogers on it fucking rules, and then the rest aren't very good songs, but VERY well produced not-very-good songs.

Not even.  Whatever.  Alien, you've helped through more bullshit.  I believe in yr teachings about the American dream.

Fuck you, New York and LA.  Why?  Because you get to see Blue Jasmine WAY before me.  Go fuck yourselves.

Well, when most Americans think of "old-timey" or what is fantasy, we think of old-timey Europe, since it seems so romantic, full of knights and what not.


Oh, trust me, it's way more fun when all your friends are getting engaged the same month you were going to propose to a girl who left you two weeks earlier.

I mean, sleeping with someone who wasn't my girlfriend had a little of that, but was mostly just drunken idiocy.  Hmm…  I don't know.  I know the one thing I did, that I still enjoyed mind you, but was a bit "dirty" ended with me weeping and unable to look at my partner or cuddle with her.  So that, maybe.

I'm trying to say there may not be one.  I don't really consider anything I've done to be particularly "dirty", considering it's all been consensual and so on.

I haven't seen all the Star Wars films, or know enough about them, so I cannot.

Oh, I as aware I was listing off things I think are normal, I guess.  I'm not sure I have ever done a thing I would absolutely not do again because I found it too "dirty".

What is "it"?

A lot of grocery stores will sell both.  Some convenience stores have fruit.

The closest box to me is a box of tissues.  So, tissues.

I'm not sure there is one.  If there is, I'm not figuring it out anytime soon.