Maize Kraize

I couldn't finish Birdemic.  It felt mean laughing at some earnest filmmakers trying their best.



I haven't seen enough of it, but honestly, even Space Ghost I'd put at 8/10.  I love all 5 of those shows.

Welcome to…

Yeah, I'm also still waiting on my tax return.  Whatever, I still have The New World to watch.

HEY! only WE can call you a gay, dick sucking, Nazi, pile of shit, because we LOVE YOU.


I am trying to lead a crusade to make The Informant! a modern cult classic.  I need to watch it again, but I've never seen anything quite like it.

No, I know his name, I just never got the M and M = Eminem thing before.

Eminem's birth name is Marshall Mathers.  M.M.  M and M.

The real question is obvious, how will Glee handle it?

This is the correct emotion to feel during Firefly.

So it turns out that right now, when I lay down I get intensely awake, and as soon as I stand-up I get incredibly tired, because my life is a fucking joke.