Maize Kraize

YES.  This.

I watched Holy Motors and Stripes, and read Caligula and The Misunderstanding by Camus.


@avclub-b4238f7793ec8c1a632f14f2a1766c68:disqus - Fuck yeah Serious Sam

Man, he does have a big forehead.

Either way, it has me listening to "Da Funk", and that's always good.

So wait, Stripes and Argo have the same ending?  Promise I'm done talking about Stripes.

Oh My God Yes.  I know very little, if anything, about Brakhage, but I now know I want his biopic to be made, just so I can see another Philip Seymour Hoffman movie.

Yeah, it's not old news.  I just posted earlier a link to the new sample and tried to tag you but you hadn't posted in the thread yet.  I'm happy you hear you've heard!

It's still dope as hell.  The new sample is funky as all hell (despite some controversy.)

I tried to find you earlier for this exact reason!

Dangerfield killed that movie for me.  (Bad way.)  I like the Chevy stuff, and the Murray stuff is OK (thought Stripes is a way better vehicle for him), but overall there are too many plots going at once that don't make any sense, plus the main character is so bland and uninteresting.

I'm at that scene right now!

Also, this movie has so many topless women it's absurd. Like, what comedy needs this many boobs?

45 minutes into Stripes and I've probably laughed more than I did at all of Caddyshack.  John Candy's characters are always so sincere they almost pain me to watch.

Dibs on The Dean… Oh I'll be honest, Chang.

Oh yay, he has one left!  I thought he was done.  I basically just loved Damon in The Informant!.  That movie was so low-key I'm still realizing how good it was.

Based on all the Soderbergh I've seen (Oceans 11, 12, and The Informant), Soderbergh should already come out of retirement and do an endless franchies with Damon.

I am in school, I've been reading some great plays, I have a beautiful loving girlfriend, I have friends who care about me, I have a family that is nearby and supportive.  I'm doing OK.