Germans are no longer the least funny people in the world.
Germans are no longer the least funny people in the world.
Wait . . . Patricia Clarkson is SINGLE?!?!
Hopefully they're not paid in stock options.
Yeah, you have to be a special kind of (language-centric) dork to enjoy the Paarfi books. Which, obviously, I am. I get that others would find them tedious and painful.
Do they grant doctorates of Aether? I hope so. (And Brust would agree with you on the "too much paragraph" part; that's the whole point of the "joke" of Paarfi.)
Do you mean the Taltos books, or the Paarfi books? I haven't met anyone who found the Taltos books unenjoyable.
The joke doesn't work if you aren't familiar with Paarfi of Roundwood, I guess. (Although familiarity wouldn't necessarily prevent eye strain, either.)
If I may be permitted to comment—and not as the humble historian I have the honor to be, or, one might say, as the writer of humble history I have the honor to be, but rather as an individual personage of no great distinction, who, even in his personal capacity, would say two words about this topic of literary…