Young Fluff

My earliest memories are watching Sesame Street, before I turned two. The Count was my favorite character. One particular day in 1984—brought to me by the letter V—included a bit about Victor the Vampire in which I got a pretty good idea that A) vampires are not our friends and B) The Count is a vampire.

I enjoyed this season and hope to see more, but man the production quality could use some attention.

I shall make you eat this wastecask.

Top to bottom, one of my favorite Mad Men episodes in awhile.. favorite of the season for sure.

I very much enjoyed the District 10 gag.


Nice touch with Magnetic Fields over the end credits.. at least they know their target audience!

Upon seeing article title, immediately thought of Bad Religion - Infected

Aaaaah so good. Really liked all the Alex/Haley interactions this episode.