
I made friends with a bunch of Japanese exchange students when I put that song on at a party…cool story bro. But it made my night.

They could lose 8-0. That would be worse probably.

I remember seeing Tom Cruise in Minority Report and Eyes Wide Shut as a teenager and thinking, "Why doesn't he do more of this? He's really good."

They will co-star together in the The Social Network 2: The Wall Street Years

Jesse Eisenberg, knowing his star is rising, feeling the power within his grasp, will no longer play the geek with a quick wit. He will be that asshole who commands the screen with sheer force of will, his first victim? An oblivious TV interviewer.

I tend to agree. I'm a big fan of everyone involved with this show, just not the show. I feel like everyone on the show could have been off doing something better. There are parts where I laughed pretty hard and then there's a stretch of episodes where it's just basic sitcom, workplace type garbage.

I would have to second this feeling.

You know, as a twenty-something college graduate who's part of the majority of Americans struggling and getting by, going from shit job to shit job, I'd like to extend a hearty, "Go Fuck Yourself," to these rich, spoiled, entitled brats.