
If you replace the Manilow with Anne Murray and North Carolina with Iowa, we are the same person.

Seriously, I don't really mind Hulu Plus having ads, it's more that they're the same ads over and over again. If this will get more advertising variety on Hulu, I for one will welcome our new metal overlords.

Yeah, I mean, French Toast Crunch being better than Cinnamon Toast Crunch??? GET YOUR FACTS STRAIGHT, MAN.

It's actually in Wikipedia. What I remember was that the book was a lot darker, as there was a lot more rape and hobo murder. https://en.wikipedia.org/wi…


Did anyone else get a giggle out of Tom Waits writing "dozens" of songs? I think you were looking for "hundreds."

Whoops, dart in your neck!

You mean there's a Black Stormy?

So, is he not replicating it, or….
No, he's hot-wiring it.

Are you kidding? They gave me his photo, threw me in a pizza oven, called it a "pod" and told me to "wing it" and that it would be cool and that it would work and clearly it didn't.

Did you get that THING I sent you?

Oh, oh, oh! I got one! Why don't we call ourselves "Let's get off our fucking asses and do something because my parole officer really loves it when I don't tell him that I spent my one day off dicking around on the fucking moon!"

We're not getting sued!

[threatens with switchblade] You got a problem with that? Because if you do, we'll go right now.

I use "I'M HELPING, I'M HELPING!" anytime I completely make things worse when I"m trying to help.

Inside this Horse's Anus.

Dammit, this is what I get for relying on my memory to quote Adult Swim shows.

Marduk commands it!

I hate that guy, he never wears a shirt!

For me and Mr. Brewman, it was the combo of Hand Banana and that episode with the dick rocket.