If you replace the Manilow with Anne Murray and North Carolina with Iowa, we are the same person.
If you replace the Manilow with Anne Murray and North Carolina with Iowa, we are the same person.
Seriously, I don't really mind Hulu Plus having ads, it's more that they're the same ads over and over again. If this will get more advertising variety on Hulu, I for one will welcome our new metal overlords.
Yeah, I mean, French Toast Crunch being better than Cinnamon Toast Crunch??? GET YOUR FACTS STRAIGHT, MAN.
It's actually in Wikipedia. What I remember was that the book was a lot darker, as there was a lot more rape and hobo murder. https://en.wikipedia.org/wi…
Did anyone else get a giggle out of Tom Waits writing "dozens" of songs? I think you were looking for "hundreds."
Whoops, dart in your neck!
You mean there's a Black Stormy?
So, is he not replicating it, or….
No, he's hot-wiring it.
Are you kidding? They gave me his photo, threw me in a pizza oven, called it a "pod" and told me to "wing it" and that it would be cool and that it would work and clearly it didn't.
Did you get that THING I sent you?
Oh, oh, oh! I got one! Why don't we call ourselves "Let's get off our fucking asses and do something because my parole officer really loves it when I don't tell him that I spent my one day off dicking around on the fucking moon!"
We're not getting sued!
[threatens with switchblade] You got a problem with that? Because if you do, we'll go right now.
I use "I'M HELPING, I'M HELPING!" anytime I completely make things worse when I"m trying to help.
Inside this Horse's Anus.
Dammit, this is what I get for relying on my memory to quote Adult Swim shows.
Marduk commands it!
I hate that guy, he never wears a shirt!
For me and Mr. Brewman, it was the combo of Hand Banana and that episode with the dick rocket.