nope. first time.
nope. first time.
This was the worst episode of television I've ever seen.
Orange is not the only fruit.
has anyone on this website even SEEN a chicken?
I just finished the series for the first time today, and it's definitely the only show that made me cry on a consistent basis, and I can say that as a compliment.
well, this looks *cough*…um…look at the time.
Logically, I think at any moment a failing animated show can turn itself around with a tighter writing staff. Saying there's no place else to go is like saying that all jokes for the half hour family sitcom have been mined, which is not the case. There has to be a team out there somewhere who can bang out a…
I thought it was funny the painter invited us to his birthday party.
…in the bottom?
Someone should compile a list of the most inaccurate fan theories since season one
By far my favorite sketch is Bruce as a businessman having a heart attack and having to pour coffee on his dead heart. That and Bruce getting black out drunk to usher his son into manhood.
yeah, don was technically dead when those hallucinations happened
You all just watched Con Air in Space. Khan Air.
I really can't get behind Michael Mann's films. I find them overlong and colorless, in more ways than one, tediously self-serious and stuffed with flat, uninteresting, uncharismatic characters. Heat, Collateral, Public Enemies, all big wastes of time. Miami Vice is the worst offender of them all. The only thing…
I actually think his characters are quite well developed. Maybe not so much in Against the Day as say, Mason & Dixon, but Frank, Merle and Dally, and who could forget wonderful Pugnax, the pugnacious pug pilot?
Wouldn't hold out much hope for the tape deck though…or the Creedence.
Faulkner is amazing.
Wakes up, realizes he cut a record while sleepwalking. It has Lil' Wayne on it and it sounds like shit. He gives life the finger. Durst out!
I do, in fact, have the tristero muted horn tattooed on my arm
So it's okay to make Austin Powers references again?