Sir Reginald Duke of Chutney

So conflicted. Of all the times when it felt that Ru should have saved both the queens (for Katya's sake), this one stands with Pandora/Juju as pretty much injustice. And yet, had Ru not brought Trixie back and thus probably have been able to save both queens during an episode, we would have been denied the amazing

She's a decent middle-of-the-packer but, yes, it's mostly because she's a cute boy. It's the same reason there was so much hype around Milk going into last season and we all know how flat Milk ended up being.

Why was Trixie brought back? She was told a million times before to go fucking nuts and she comes back and absolutely does not go nuts. Plus, her voice seems relentlessly boyish and muffled. Waiting for something to pop next episode or she probably should skeedaddle again.

It's a shame to pick just one episode. There are at least ten or twenty episodes aired through season 10 (maybe 11?) that merit a good dissecting either because they're effective, shameless lowbrow comedy ("AWESOM-O," "Woodland Critter Christmas"), timely skewering of over-saturated topics ("Fatt Butt and Pancake

I was hoping this was a remake of the Hoku song from the 'Legally Blonde' soundtrack.

too much
This show just confirms that squirm-inducing-situational comedy has become a genre unto itself alongside the brassy-working-class-family comedy and annoying-guys-hang-with-hot-chicks comedy. Can't we just have "The Golden Girls" back?