
I always felt like Steven Furst was doing a pretty poor Woody Allen impersonation over the first season or so.  He does tone that down and get much more interesting though! And if nothing else, you will get used to the hair so it's much less distracting later on.

I always felt like Steven Furst was doing a pretty poor Woody Allen impersonation over the first season or so.  He does tone that down and get much more interesting though! And if nothing else, you will get used to the hair so it's much less distracting later on.

Reading some of your other posts, it appears you somehow enjoy B5 despite disliking JMS's writing! I'm not sure how that works . . . BUT, nothing unnatural there.  Just a wonderfully written and acted scene by JMS & CC that made perfect sense and was well set-up within the episode.

Reading some of your other posts, it appears you somehow enjoy B5 despite disliking JMS's writing! I'm not sure how that works . . . BUT, nothing unnatural there.  Just a wonderfully written and acted scene by JMS & CC that made perfect sense and was well set-up within the episode.

It looks like the poster is quoting large chunks of JMS.  As you mention, JMS used to have quite an online presence and has left tons of info regarding B5 online.

It looks like the poster is quoting large chunks of JMS.  As you mention, JMS used to have quite an online presence and has left tons of info regarding B5 online.

I really do enjoy watching Delenn's attempt to eat popcorn in that scene as well.

I really do enjoy watching Delenn's attempt to eat popcorn in that scene as well.

I had the exact same thought as the Ivanova Psi Core monologue ended.  "Star Trek would never have a scene like this!"  Just a great scene.   And, while I am really enjoying DS9, it is refreshing to see characters with real back stories and baggage that they will be struggling to overcome for the next five years.

I had the exact same thought as the Ivanova Psi Core monologue ended.  "Star Trek would never have a scene like this!"  Just a great scene.   And, while I am really enjoying DS9, it is refreshing to see characters with real back stories and baggage that they will be struggling to overcome for the next five years.

This is like the early 90s all over again!  I'm re-watching  ST:DS9 along with Zack's reviews (almost to the end of season 2) and now B5 gets started.  I have very fond memories of both series and so far early DS9 is better than I remembered.  Now to start the journey to see if early B5 is as bad and if seasons 3-4

This is like the early 90s all over again!  I'm re-watching  ST:DS9 along with Zack's reviews (almost to the end of season 2) and now B5 gets started.  I have very fond memories of both series and so far early DS9 is better than I remembered.  Now to start the journey to see if early B5 is as bad and if seasons 3-4