people wish death on other people all the time. It's a glitch in the human condition. AP takes it to its farthest possible outcome, while simultaneously skewering the Reagan 1980s.
people wish death on other people all the time. It's a glitch in the human condition. AP takes it to its farthest possible outcome, while simultaneously skewering the Reagan 1980s.
crackerzgraham, I agree 100%. The great conceit about the film is that none of it may have actually ever taken place. The Bateman quotes that Scott finds too on the nose are actually suggesting that he's fantasizing the whole thing. Everyone else in the film is a symbol in Patrick's mind. I've watched it time and time…
Song for the Dumped was great because listening it to it was the only time it was acceptable for me to look my ex in the eye and ask for my money back, bitch.
great piece Zack
That Big Star #1 Record/Radio city Comp is one of those things that I wish I could experience for the first time again. For someone who doesn't see themselves as a music critic, you do an excellent job encapsulating what it's like to hear it for the first time. Maybe that's why I liked your piece so…
oh right, dick whitman. Wasn't he the guy who stole the identity of a fellow soldier, and ended up supporting that guy's widow out of guilt, and establishes feelings for her when he ruins his own marriage? he's the same fucked up egotist that Don Draper is.
not a great episode
I agree w/ Scott on a few of his points, particularly the Joan storyline and the shot of Don sitting there as the sun comes up. But even that latter shot compares poorly to that early episode where Don sits in his car with the cake, and we feel the space of his loneliness that night.
liked it
i'm actually a fan of the snail-pace of the show. it's finding its rhythm. That being said, I agree with Todd that the only compelling character died 2 episodes ago. I'm nervous that these guys can write Pi-esque puzzles but can't chart characters.