
Yes but you could propel enormous asteroids to hit it at just the right angle to cleave off large portions of the atmosphere while simultaneously speeding up its rotation so it won't get so hot in the daytime. And then you could put a landing craft on it.

Or 15%, or whatever that math is!

A question on the substance of your article: isn't relative pressure what we really are concerned about? For instance, the analogy to temperature doesn't seem to hold up. You point out that if a temperature drops from some positive number to 0 we don't say that "all the heat has left the room", but if the relative

Dear AV Club, I would prefer not to read stories that paint QT in an unflattering light on your website. Thanks, a loyal customer

Yes, this was THE scene for me as well. Really it was all of Season 3—the most insane run of reckless yet perfect plotting in any TV series ever. The three scenes that stand out to me are: Hank outside the RV with Jesse and Walt inside; Hank vs. the cousins parking lot shootout; and Mike giving the phone to Walt to

Also, you notice how deftly he picked the lock to the storage room? The man has graceful hands.  I actually thought that one-second shot of him picking the lock seemed like a knowing glance directly at the AV Club commenters from Season 4, debating whether Huell could pickpocket Jesse's ricin cigarette.

We have to wait to see what Walt's genius plan is this time before judging.  But also, I think Jesse's "don't kill anyone ever" credo trumped his wariness of Walt in this case.  He has been against killing every time it has come up so far this season: Lydia, the train crew, the boy (retroactively), even Todd—his face

We have to wait to see what Walt's genius plan is this time before judging.  But also, I think Jesse's "don't kill anyone ever" credo trumped his wariness of Walt in this case.  He has been against killing every time it has come up so far this season: Lydia, the train crew, the boy (retroactively), even Todd—his face

I didn't want him to get out from that handcuff BECAUSE I cared for him.

I didn't want him to get out from that handcuff BECAUSE I cared for him.

[I heard this one on the radio recently…]

[I heard this one on the radio recently…]

I think his "reasoning" went like: 1. This is getting out of control, Gus is a madman, threatened my family, Jesse's no longer on my side; 2. Time to get the fuck out of here; 3. Might as well save Hank before I go (also, there's this dynamic where he gets to be the "boss" with Saul, so rattling off instructions like