Knifey James

I missed the Doctor Who marathon in What's On Tonight.

Give a man a taco, he can eat for a day. Teach a man to beat the Taco Bell coin game and he can eat for a lifetime.

I wanted to show you how the "other half" lives!

It's like poetry… it rhymes.

It could be an alliance of convenience, like Magneto in X2. Once the threat is averted, they'll part ways.

But the Guardians already had their own agendas, so he'll fit right in.

This is what happens when you turn down the invitation to my family reunion.

"When the race starts, run really fast."

It does sound like a movie-within-a-movie. Maybe Ricky Gervais is an extra.

They've made so many "quick" new ways to pay that it's looped back around to cash or check being easier.

I was just reading the section about that on the movie's wiki page. The Director has plenty of excuses for it (Our cast is multi-ethnic! The studio made us! Australian labor laws!).

I wasn't quite sure what the video was, but it looked like doctors/scientists examining a sick or wounded person. Maybe Agent Orange victims?

Nor as a Frenchman in Timeline. Gerard Butler is intolerable regardless of nationality!

I dunno, "Gerard Butler as an Egyptian god" is pretty intolerable to me.

Who hasn't dreamed of sticking out their arm and knocking things off the shelf? That was most of the reason I wanted to do the Nickelodeon toy run.

Does your Trader Joe's line weave around the whole store? Sometimes I get in the line as soon as I walk in and "shop" as it weaves around.

Tell us how you really feel, Doug.

In the classroom scene with the teenagers, he talks about the importance of considering "the little people" in history. So even if he's skeptical of JFK as some Great Man worthy of saving, maybe he's drawn in by the prospect of saving all the civilians and soldiers killed in the war JFK may have prevented.

I think that's it: it can throw curveballs at you (the fire in the restaurant, the car driving through the phone booth), but it you dodge them you can still succeed.

I wonder about that whenever a classic car gets wrecked in a movie/TV show. Not that it's a classic, but I remember reading that Breaking Bad had put a dent in the number of Pontiac Azteks still on the road.