Knifey James

I recognized six of these names.

SCABMPFPGW… the acronym was off to a good start, and then everything went to hell.

How much is the bear lobby paying you?

If only he knew someone who could make him an authentic skin suit…

Oh man, Matt Damon as Hawkeye? Just imagine.

I can't wait until I have "novelty car" money.

I just googled a picture of this and can't imagine how many people must have seen it and thought "Yes, this belongs in this movie". Yowza.

Weekend at Rogie's

And a straw hanging from his mouth.
I'm still partial to their Biden character.

Emma Stone's busy.

The halcyon days of the Romney campaign. Remember when "Half the country is lazy" was enough to lose an election?

This one is pretty blatant ("Ninja Turtles? How about… skater sharks?"), so it's funny that the 'victim' figure he's demonstrating on is a Ninja Turtle with Troll doll hair.

"Albino Vampires"

"Agitated Virgins"

There's been a lot of talk about what's missing from Noah's Daily Show, and I think that might be it: Stewart's pizza criticism. Like when Trump took Palin to a chain pizza restaurant and they cut it with a knife & fork.

He isn't because his head doesn't fit in the frame.

The paint on the wall is graffiti, and it spells out a racial slur.

Stamps dot com!

"That Joke Isn't (Funny Anymore)"

"Teach the controversy"