I hope this is the Harold of "Harold, they're lesbians" and Harold & his wife are perpetually caught off guard by the movies they see.
I hope this is the Harold of "Harold, they're lesbians" and Harold & his wife are perpetually caught off guard by the movies they see.
And his curved dong.
I love that song but totally thought that was a bagpipe. I may be an idiot.
Wiki says he's directed a handful, but I haven't heard of any of them.
I like any pop song with a saxophone: Modern Love, Careless Whisper, Midnight City… end of list.
And it's been 15/13 years (no sure what year they're supposed to take place in) so it wouldn't be as much of a time jump as I initially thought.
Freddy being a racist doesn't bug me, because he's the villain, but it doesn't make sense because she wasn't the first black character he'd met: Dream Warriors, Master and Child all have black characters (and in the fifth one, she even survives!).
If it were a standalone movie about a generic monster instead of Freddy, it'd be a great metaphor for the self-loathing/internalized homophobia of a closeted kid in a small town.
That's how you win a bet!
I don't know whether it was filmed or only in the script, but originally all the kids Freddy killed when he was alive were the older siblings of the teens in the movie, and the parents basically erased any memory of the older generation by destroying pictures, etc, out of grief or guilt. Personally, I would have left…
Jeepers Creepers blocked its own ability to become a franchise by giving itself a time limit (23 days every 23 years). They squeezed a sequel in on the last night of the 23 days, but any further entries would either have to have a time jump and become a sci-fi movie or be a prequel and be hamstrung by the knowledge…
I could probably find someone on Craigslist who'd give me more than 200 bucks for those "samples".
My name is Ryan, and I'm always being called Bryan no matter how much I over-annunciate or say "Ryan, no B" when introducing myself.
But that was such a huge hit, they had no choice but to rip it off!
The house is full… of ghosts!
And the kids who brought the microwave pizza lunchables always went home early. They should have marketed it as a way for students to get out of tests or presentations.
Or the realization that death follows the Tanner family.
Just because you call it a steak dinner doesn't change the fact that it's a Big Mac, TB.
All I remember is the boombox.