esteban de la sexface

If you saw SuperEgo come to the front and give me de-tails!

I'm putting you right between Danny Dumbface and Kofy Kingston

Paul Scheer, without a doubt. I cry when I hear Van Helsing

I don't know how someone can have this criticism of the guy and not have the same hing to say about PFT. Does anyone like the sound of their own voice and much as Paul F?
This sounds way snarkier than I mean it too, cause obviously Paul's the best, but I feel like this criticism is levied at a lot of people and he

Like an old man trying to return soup at a deli

"Sucker Punch is…"

Gotta be "Ooh Shit That's Fashion!" with Brandon Johnson, and it's not even close for me. I totally agree that the show is probably one of the more hit or miss ones out there, as if there's not a strong guesthost or concept, then I find LL will often devolve into dick/butt/sex jokes pretty quickly (but we all love LL

I feel like Superego never gets enough love or discussion, obviously since it was released so infrequently but also because it's not on an Earwolf or anything like that where the forums are there for some decent discussion. Can we be those really annoying fans and quote a bunch of stuff and talk about our favourite

Anyone know if Superego is releasing anything for their 10th anniversary?

People have already mentioned a lot of good ones with people who play well together (Zouks/Parham/St. Clair, Wild Horses, Sanz/Meadows, Roberts/Walsh), but I think one of the most underrated teams/duos are Charlie Sanders and Colton Dunn. They have about 4 or 5 eps together and their rapport is untouchable (possibly

Worth it

Gotta give love to What Winsome Said. Kyle and Matt are great easy-going guests that totally get the flow of the show, but when NeilerDude and Franny G come in as Missy and Winsome Prejudice, the episode's as good as any other one I remember. Neil's lame-pun jokes on being old are straight outta CBBTV, Fran's

My nickname for my niece is "Green Beret-be" because of him and that sketch.

"They call me Claypool" "Clay-pool!"
"Break it down Marjorie!"
Too good.

Great summation, couldn't have said it better.

Well then, clear overreaction on my part. Should really be listening more closely for dinner so obsessed with St Clair and Parham.

There could be, it's just that they've established her birthday as August 11th or 12th (somewhere around there), so I figured they would've released it by last week, even as a b-b-b-b-b-bonus-s-s-s-s-s, if they were gonna do it. I should have prefaced that this could be a major false alarm, I just haven't seen or

Funniest one yet IMO. Tacky or Cutting-edge was hysterical

No Womptacular this year?? I know a few people around these parts considered CBB to be oversaturated with Marissa/Char-dog lore, and they do have their own P-cast, but I always thought the Womptaculars were where those characters/stories shone the best. I think it's worth at least one more go-round, and you even have

I think a lot of people are sleeping on "What Winsome Said." The Timekeeper killed me too, but I think Campbell's best charac (not just this year, but maybe overall) was Winsome Prejudice. The story of him and Missy, Kinane and Braugner on that ep are gold, and Riddle Me This, O my God, Riddle Me This! Do yourself a