frequently asked questions

As did I. Great shout out.

Yeah, kinda wish I hadn't looked that up.

"He once told a staff member that he received so much fan mail that they had to hide it from him. And he really believed this."

It's funny, I've never much cared for "Pangs" - didn't hate it or anything, but I was surprised to see so many people here mention it as a favourite. And yet I agree with all the good things that Noel said about it. I guess it just never resonated with me on an emotional level.

Not kidney stoned, though.

@magnusbarfod: I've been using it for a few weeks now. No spyware or anything, and it works fine, although there is apparently a 10GB per month limit (I use it sparingly, so haven't run into that yet).

Alice? Who the fuck is Alice?
I haven't seen this film since I was way too young (like, maybe 10 or 11) to appreciate it, other than thinking it was really weird and creepy. In fact, for years I wasn't sure it really existed; I thought I might have imagined it. I'll have to check it out again now that I'm (probably)

I was thinking about that the other day, santos. Aspartame is awful (though sucralose is somewhat more tolerable) so I don't see how just cutting back the sugar and not replacing it with anything could produce a beverage that tastes any worse.

Correct. I don't know if it was meant to be a callback, but if so it was well done.

Great character
So sad. I had no idea he was so young.

Rainbows? I hate those things… You'll just be sitting there, minding your own business, and they'll come marching in, and crawl up your leg, and start biting the inside of your ass, and you'll be all like, "Hey. Get out of my ass you stupid rainbows."

The original version of Downtown Train is absolutely beautiful. I like to pretend that Rod Stewart's cover doesn't exist.

El Scorcho rocks!

Damned fine song, that.

Oohh, good call on Worlock.

Hey guys, you wanna remove this spambot's membership already?

@Floyd Bent Son - you're right, that IS fun!

Famous Bowl
That article remains one of the funniest things I have ever read. So much so that I don't dare to read it again while at work.

I agree that Twitter has been way too ubiquitous in the media lately. I still like it, though… I was on Facebook for a while and hated it, but liked the status updates. Twitter gives me that one feature without all the other useless crap. I don't expect people to be interested in what I have to say, necessarily…