
bloody wankers - piss off

Bloody wankers!!!!!
Piss off!!!!

Just like the new Radiohead
The group/band is trying something new and people aren't going to understand/get it.

Anything Radiohead puts out
is better than 90% of the new stuff out there…. They have just set the bar so high it is getting increasingly harder to top…..Radiohead puts out and it is getting increasingly harder…hehe…Beavis

I liked
The Toadies

I really liked Conor Oberst -Self Titled
Cape Canaveral is a cool song and the Gentleman's Pact is a sweet EP as well

I like Bell's Beer too
I can ride my bike to the brewery

I like the first Paul better
than the second

Butcher Me On The Court Too Many Elbows To Report Now You're Poking Me In The Eye Bill Laimbeer Motherfucker, It's Time For You To Die
Tough Guy, It's Time To Check Yourself
Dribbling The Ball Like The Biz Can Be Bad
For Your Health
Tough Guy, What You Got To Prove
Moving Like An Elephant, That's Your Favorite
Tough Guy,

Karen, put me in a chair, fuck me and make me a drink - nothing to deep here, just something I think about sometimes

Slow Burners
If you like good music, you like the National. Get a good stereo and listen. Cheers!

My daughter is 4
She likes the new Spoon album, specifically "Written in Reverse".

My favorite Arcade Fire song
is the one they haven't recorded yet

They got me
@I humanized the vacuum

Locating and purchasing all Pavement B-sides!!!
When I was a kid

I like to listen to music
when I iron my clothing

Who ha - pee pee

You guys are going to shoot me for this
Dare I say Pearl Jam?

Crust Brothers
I really like their version of "Gotta serve somebody"

It's a pretty sweet lineup
Just sayin