Gussie Fink-Nottle

Oh, I loved Patricia Arquette in this - completely creepy, cold, distant, sexy in a deviant kind of way - pretty much a perfect neo-noir female lead. Pullman and Getty do come off as just stupid though - perhaps the reason the film doesn't stand up so well to Mulholland Dr.

The oldest member
Would suggest you have a bash at The Heart of a Goof and The Clicking of Cuthbert for some links-based fun. Now pass me my niblick.

Camden, as a county, lacks the charm of actually being a county. If you want fuzzy-felt, wizard hats and shit, then its market is the place for you.

Neil Young's Dead Man
Man, that is a great score for a great film. I tend not to be able to get into the big names in movie soundtracking mentioned in this article - their work always seems to be too on the nose somehow. Surely Angelo Badalamenti deserves a mention though?

TBF, he did say that the game "sings" as a tactical shooter. So some credit. Personally, I was pretty bored by the demo, so I think this is a fairly generous review.

You're written in her book
You're number thirty-seven, have a look
She's going to smile to make you frown, what a claaoune

Come come Michaelangelo
Admit your error and put it right so we can stop tutting under our breath and go back to drinking tea and having bad teeth.

The Daily Mail
Amelie, are you trying to undermine our British sense of superiority by bringing up the fact that the worst ""news"paper" in the entire world comes from our shores?

Gah. Many apologies, before anyone suggests my d-post had strong vaginal qualities.

It really tied the goo together.

It really tied the goo together.

Never could stand that dog.

The Sword of Honour Trilogy is great, though my favourite is A Handful of Dust. Pretty much everything is at least good (I agree that Brideshead is the worst; it's kind of an anomoly - lacks the scabrous wit of most of the others and Waugh said he was trying to hit a more sentimental, melancholy note). Start from the