
I hope they're focusing on in-house layoffs….
What company in its right mind would allow this? And once we know that, how can we best boycott them?

Thanks to Mr. Haskell
I read this senior year and my write up remains the only A i've ever received on a paper. (same teacher that assigned this also introduced us to Harold and Maude and Joe Vs. the Volcano, what a guy!)

One day reality tv will live up to what we all thought the original Survivor was gonna be.
"They're gonna bring people out to an island and kill them off one by one? Awesome!"

* Michael Schlow - Radius Restaurant, Boston, Mass
Now i feel like i should check that out…

i think it's arlington, conan's from brookline, and nobody is from allston.

Good Vibes in Coolidge Corner
Boca Grande Burritos
and a Dunkin on every corner!

It's nice to live in the best part of the country and have them actually prove it sometimes….

Fraiser reruns on channel 38?

Better that the pathetic channel 38 news at 9….
I'm proud of my local affiliate for rejecting that crap, but it'll be a while before i can forgive them for that BONO TOP STORY BONO BONO BONO mess a bit back.

The same exact thing happened a few years ago with their 8-bit tie. that thing was badass!

i still yearn to harness the brown noise as a weapon…

The Weekly Dig is about as close as Boston gets. Why no love for the New Englanders? Is it because we're so much more awesome than everyone else? We can't help that! We just are!

But the cost of store bought sperm…..
I'd like to be a caterer and cater a party using only this book. If only to see how a sperm bank would react to a request for 5 liters of sperm for eclairs.

@ Josh

My bad for referencing a book, huh?

Way to rip off Chuck Palahniuk

That "who did that come from" and the face was so hilarious. Such a great moment, one I had regularly when I was first getting into video games and comics (thanks, awesome ex-bf!). "Well, it's like with the cylons…" wait, what? Was that me? Hahahaha

@xochi: oh, i can suspend disbelief, but if a sci-fi writer makes rules for his universe, i'm holding him to them.

This is one of those books on my list
but I was pretty hesitant to read it because of my steadfast disbelief in invisibility (and time travel, but that's another story). It does look more promising now that I know they cover the details of actually being invisible and look at the real world repercussions of that. I

tv chefs should know we like them either super hot, super fat, or totally psycho. this guy is too boring to compete in the fast paced glitzy world of tv fooderies.