
It's worth remembering that Selina doesn't kiss Bruce impulsively — she does it to distract him so she can pickpocket his valet stub and, hence, his car.

It's worth remembering that Selina doesn't kiss Bruce impulsively — she does it to distract him so she can pickpocket his valet stub and, hence, his car.

"Beverly gives a eulogy for a woman we’ve never heard mentioned before"  Not true.  Nana is mentioned in two other episodes: "The Arsenal of Freedom" and "Attached".  One of those was four episodes ago: keep up or you'll never be a nerd!

Is there an organization that will protect my children…
…from number disagreement? Either 'The MPAA Wants To Shoot Itself' or else 'The MPAA Want To Shoot Themselves'. The latter seems much more preferable to my British ears, but if you don't like treating the name of an organization in the plural, you can always go