Greg M

Jinora: "Korra, you're just making it worse."
me: lolz, that's her moto.

But how else is Bobby going to remember four whole names?

I will miss her omnipresent smirk and monotone delivery. Weeds wouldn't have been unbearable without it.


wasn't it set a little further down the hallway they were all standing in already? How did she get in there to set it without being seen?

Well, the tv show was pretty great.

Well, the tv show was pretty great.

They're still letting Colin Farrell star in movies?!

This show has now crossed the Weeds line, where I actively root for the protagonist to die a horrible death. In previous seasons, Kenny Powers is a socially retarded asshole, but his actions did have consequences within the show's realty, and he's fucking over people that have chosen to remain in his life, and are

Teenage Ancient Alien Ninja Turtles - I'm not saying they invented pizza…but they invented pizza.

The Great Outdoors is great. That's all I got.

You guys take this political stuff way too seriously, eh?