
If the show doesn't come back at least one time, I'll eat my own hat. I'll eat all the hats in the fucking hat-store; I'll create a nationwide inflation in the price of fucking hats, that's how many hats I'll have eaten. I'll have every fucking granny in the entire twatting country knitting wool beanies that are

He didn't want to leave the only thing he loved. There's nothing pathetic about that.

He didn't want to leave the only thing he loved. There's nothing pathetic about that.

@avclub-cfe912f5cb3aa572bd1c9ae2a9b82207:disqus He said "Don't hold your hands behind your back; It makes you look like you've been arrested."

@avclub-cfe912f5cb3aa572bd1c9ae2a9b82207:disqus He said "Don't hold your hands behind your back; It makes you look like you've been arrested."

Run DMC Run

Run DMC Run

Lola Run Faster

Lola Run Faster

Run Lola Ran

Run Lola Ran

50 bucks says she gets sexually abused.

50 bucks says she gets sexually abused.

Obviously you aren't very familiar with irony and sarcasm.

Obviously you aren't very familiar with irony and sarcasm.

@avclub-348b96a08a123a3e6b50a17eeb9f18a0:disqus I've read Animal Farm mate. Like I said, I'm pretty sure Andy Serkis, not being stupid, knows what he's doing. Since the only information we have to go off is a few choice lines here and there, I've decided to reserve judgement about a film project I haven't seen until

@avclub-348b96a08a123a3e6b50a17eeb9f18a0:disqus I've read Animal Farm mate. Like I said, I'm pretty sure Andy Serkis, not being stupid, knows what he's doing. Since the only information we have to go off is a few choice lines here and there, I've decided to reserve judgement about a film project I haven't seen until

Well according to the episode description for next week he's fine.

Well according to the episode description for next week he's fine.

I really really really thought that he did it on purpose; that he drew attention to the "quiet bat people" leak specifically so they would analyse the photograph further, and find that number. I seriously believed it was all part of some grand long con style scheme to get them to check the number, and then… something.