
The closest I think a show has come to accurately portraying a drug trip before this is the episode of Mad Men where Roger takes acid. The Mad Men ep is still very 'theatrical', but the way it portrayed the passing of time, the weird things that you take for granted, and the 1-to-1 conversations that feel so

Naw, Craig is fun. It's just that he's had a few bad "newswire-friendly" articles in recent years which portray him (without wider context) as a bit of a buzzkill.

Yes, exactly this. He writes shitty old who characters and stories with new who framing and production. Bleh.

The Jacobi reveal was fantastic for a bunch of reasons:

Also I reckon there's easy ways to handwave it off in a mostly-believable-way. Like, for instance:

The Cybermen are actually a joke. They're a clunky hangover from back when that stupid metal outfit and boring modus operandi was kosher for Bri'ish sci-fi kids TV. I legitimately dislike them.

I only just got that line. To be fair, I am British, and only know about Eggo waffles because Reddit are a bunch of unhealthy cunts. Bacon is pretty tasty you guys, but there's such a thing as overexposure jeez.

Someone do a joke that compares this album to his recently born child, I don't have enough time if I want this to be one of the first comments!

I got an "Aisha Taylor short film direction credit" notification for this!?

If only there was some way Dan Harmon could come back and be showrunner but also not be a total dickhead. Alas, we live in a world bound by the laws of showrunner physics.

Oh my god, I'm replying just to tell you that you summed up every single thing I feel about this show, right down to the "Dan Harmon is an unsettled kind-of-asshole but he did bring something important to the table" mentality.

Someone mentioned Bristol on AV Club? I think I just right came like, gurt lush innit.

Someone mentioned Bristol on AV Club? I think I just right came like, gurt lush innit.

Modern Bristol is real dubstep.

Modern Bristol is real dubstep.

I'd like to get her Cinnamon Toast Crunch cereal dust all over my fingers.

I'd like to get her Cinnamon Toast Crunch cereal dust all over my fingers.

Dude, don't be so sure. I get so many empathy-bangs by being pro-Feminist on Jezebel.

Dude, don't be so sure. I get so many empathy-bangs by being pro-Feminist on Jezebel.

The other guys gave good answers, but I'd just like to add that the book describes their tactics as "Shock & Awe", a massive military showing to destroy the enemy morale. Zombies don't have morale.