
Queen of the Damned, no question, followed shortly by Watchmen

you have NO IDEA how "tertiary" Theon is, because you have no idea what's going to happen. The show isn't the books, and insisting that the show change what you didn't like about the books seems silly. I don't think the writers bent over backwards to make sure they got their favorite rape scene in the show, but I do

this is incredibly reductive. tons of characters and plots were altered for the sake of time and space. Sansa's scene w/ Ramsay happened in the book, too, just with a different character. They're streamlining a lot of stuff, to say they did it solely for "lurid thrills" is kind of absurd.

I need some help. The writer at TheMarySue says she's a huge fan of the books. Was she not upset or not AS upset by the rape of Jeyne Poole? Did she think that scene wasn't going to happen in the show for some reason? I get that it's an upsetting scene and I get the criticism of rape as a plot device, but was

this is precisely why I dislike AVclub reviews

would a real fan say Avengers West Coast rather than West Coast Avengers? I've never heard it said that way ;P


the way I remember it is they didn't like Sandy Frink until they found out he was rich. That always bothered me.

First full record I ever bought with my own money: Pyromania

wait, they'll change Pamela Isley but not Edward Nygma?

also the "criminal in therapy" genre (Analyze This, Sopranos)

The AV Club's 8th best album of the year got a pretty bad review by the AV Club. They're tearing me apart!

yeah, that mediocre grade convinced me it was a mediocre record, sadly ;) (just kidding, bought and LOVED IT)

Do people that aren't abused end up sexually attracted to children? I assumed not.

I can't imagine how dead inside you'd have to be to be annoyed by Maria Bamford's laughter.

the internet makes me think something is wrong with me for liking this show and thinking Lena Dunham is really pretty.

I love that their response is, "We are under no obligation to do what is right or even decent, and you should be happy we're paying attention to you at all."  I bet they don't give credit just for fear it might open them up to some level of liability.  That show sucks anyway, I'm sorry they slapped  J. Coulton around

same here. I figured there'd be at least one pic of the guy in his glory days, but dang.  What's up with that, Nathan?

same here. I figured there'd be at least one pic of the guy in his glory days, but dang.  What's up with that, Nathan?

not being able to adjust the volume is the worst, for me.