
"Breaking Bad's Beaver."

I want to see Walter White serve a life sentence in jail, completely cancer free. That's the only punishment that would really hurt him. Death means nothing.

What is it with bald goateed scientists being such lovable assholes?

Mr. Gilligan, if you're listening, the show should end with Walt killing Hank, Jesse killing Walt, Skyler killing herself, and Marie starting a mineral collection. The final shot of the series should be a slow zoom on Walter, Jr. sitting alone and eating breakfast.

First they got rid of the RV. Then they got rid of the Aztek. PLEASE let them destroy Jr.'s PT Cruiser.

"I am not in the danger zone, Skyler… I AM THE DANGER ZONE."

This is very true. Start from the first episode, follow it straight through. The awesomeness of the first three seasons (especially season 2… one of the most fun seasons of television I've ever watched) will keep you crawling through the rough patch that was season 4. This new season seems to be building up some

Walter is awful at lying on the spot, but when he has a plan laid out, he's a pretty good liar. The idea of him as the world's greatest liar though is more about his denial that he's becoming evil, how he's utterly convinced himself he's still the good guy.

Using Mexican cartel members to blow up part of a building and kill their target? Apparently the Iranian government watched Breaking Bad on Sunday.

If you pay attention during that episode, you'll see that he knows to prop his baby daughter on her side so she doesn't spit up. After accidentally knocking Jane on her back, he notices her vomiting, goes around to save her, but stops.

Read/watch more Batman.

There hasn't been a moment today where I haven't thought about that maniacal laughter. Why isn't every day a new Breaking Bad Sunday?

The rug trip reminded me of a Coen brothers movie. It was a darkly humorous way for a buffoon to die. (Though we don't really know if he's dead, apparently.)

They did it with Community and Parks and Rec, so if they did do it with the guys from Breaking Bad and with Vince Gilligan, they would've covered the five best shows since Arrested Development.

Shit on the tits of a dog. It pains me to not have any new episodes of Louie for another year.

City College Flag
Anyone else notice that the City College flag was shaped like a dick and balls?

Cannot get that song out of my head.

Butterfly in the sky!
I can go twice as high!
Take a look!
It's in a book!

Community and Parks and Rec
If either of these shows gets cancelled while crap like The Cape and Biggest Loser stay on air, I will lose faith in humanity.