Core Concept

Honestly, I do expect them to test those waters when they get back…
… but they also now have a hell of a lot less free time to fart around with that topic. They've now got a debt ceiling to deal with, much less tax reform, etc… all within the span of a month or two.

He seems to be pretty popular in his crazy-ass red home state, regardless of statewide "Trump fever" and/or his party affiliation.

Are you still mad at me because I didn't want to count the rings on Uranus?


From your lips to god's taint.

I gotta be honest:
The eclipse is gonna be right over my head on Monday… but I really don't give a shit.

I'll bet anything that Manchin knew that Trump would fire his ass as Energy Sect. the second after Congress had voted on any/all bills that Trump wanted to pass.

On second thought, let's all go get laid.

"Alas, poor Schnorrer… I knew him, Fellatio."

That'll be decided by the Electoral College in his liver.

When it finally gets confirmed that he's been dead since 1998, will any of us be truly surprised?

He's 50% gin blossom/50% melanoma.

Talk Show Jon!

Great. Because today had been so much fun already…

Jon Stewart won custody of them?

Don't praise the bunt!

Something like this…?

Where's your Alias now, Flanders?

Tucker Carlson is a bunt in a cow-tie.

You're still not getting in to heaven, Jimmy-boy!