Core Concept

Schlong goes in…
… schlong goes out…
… never a miscommunication.

I know, right…?
Good stuff, both of 'em.

That is fun!

Delicious again, Peter!

Give 'em a break! They were all full of Quaaludes and Vodka!

Nobody puts Yogi in the corner!

But that sounds like it's gonna take an effort on my part!
Truth be told, I'd much rather just sit here and whine…

Hey, look! The Yankees win it all in 1865!

Tell that to my erection!

"God Cop."

( Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck me… )
Thanks for checking.
Fischer is deliberately avoiding Lincoln/Omaha, only scheduling town halls way out west (near Carhenge and the like). To wit, when I did a zip code search, I got this message:
"There are no events within 75 miles of your zip, the

It's Marvin —
Your cousin, Marvin Washington !?!
You know that racist, secessionist doppelganger you've been searching for…?"

No, but I have seen Pearl Washington and Stan Lee in the same place at the same time.

57% ???
Um… any word on Medica % increases in Nebraska?

( Asking for a friend… )

Juror No. 1,059: Your Honor, can I punch him in the face? I mean, just look at him—

Hell, Melania stayed in NYC to avoid that stench.

"Vera said that?"