Then steal his car!
Then steal his car!
… or maybe I have that backwards.
Also, it would be ice.
Well, just steal your neighbor's cable TV and watch TCM.
There's always room for Da Hoff!
Only for has-beens and never-was's.
What would really be great is if he also sent his dick pics to Steve Doocey and Sean Hannity.
Also on tonight, TCM is showing a shitoad of kick-ass Robert Mitchum films, including "Out of the Past", "Night of the Hunter," and "Crossfire."
By the way, if you turn on CSPAN2 right now, you can see FOX News' Eric Bolling promoting his new book, "The Swamp"…
Yeah, but Bolling's dick is only 3 centimeters!
My name is Core.
Mmmmmmm !
Should be MSNBC's tagline.
Game, set, match… Lenny.
aka "Drexting."
"Maybe it's the beer talking, Megan Kelly, but you got a butt that won't quit…
They got those big chewy pretzels here merJanthfgrr……
Five dollars??!!!?
Get outta here…!
You're looking felafel-ly stunning tonight, Mrs. Cleaver!