Core Concept

"…“Kermit has, as a character, flattened out over time and has become too square and not as vital as it should have been,” Henson said…"

Great job praising yourself, sir!
Bill O'Reilly would be proud!

It's both actual news and parody.

( Shhh! He's still bitter about Space Judas! )

In the end, everything gets sold to Disney.

Honestly, this is getting uglier than the San Diego Padres/Famous Chicken divorce of 1979.

"I know a ting or two abut being green…!"

Um… six?

All the puking!
All the slurring!
All the in-fighting and all the career self-sabotage can now be yours!

You were 37 years old!


But won't Insurers freak the fuck out right away… like at the end of 2017 when people try to re-enroll for the final few years of Obamacare? (Which would, in effect, sky-rocket prices and make it clear to people how bad their plan would be for average Americans?)

( Thank you. )

( Thank you. )

Do you have a link…?

Um… because Obama took his desk with him?

That's what I thought, too.

Could be.
I sure can't figure out his logic (for lack of a better word).
We shall see…