(( I'm gonna hold you to that, sir! ))
(( I'm gonna hold you to that, sir! ))
McConnell may be willing to walk that plank…
… but I would think a few (at least 3) Republicans might feel otherwise.
"Mystery Science Theater"-Ribbo Johnson is right!
Still, though, it's pretty damn unlikely that they'd have the 50+ votes to do that, right?
Yeah. And I wonder if McConnell is — for some reason — just going through the motions of trying to bring this to the floor for a vote strictly to go through the motions.
Indeed, he has no soul… but he's not stupid enough to blow himself up politically.
Thanks for answering the whole 60-votes vs. only 50-votes thingy. I know McConnell is a mean lil' turtle… but even I can't imagine how/why he'd truly want to "repeal only" Obamacare (and thus be known as the man who screwed 32 million Americans out of their health insurance).
I know, right…?!?
"Intergalactic" = a great choice.
This one ain't bad, either:
Everyone hates the Cruz amendment… especially insurance companies!
( Ugh! )
Not on your life, you down-voting, hashtag-hating bastard.
I'm Peter Graves.
Any recent word from Capito (WV) as to how she'll vote…?
They should do it all at once, at McCain's bedside.
Two questions:
Don't have that episode at hand… but I just watched this nifty mini-documentary on the show:
Oh, he has no class.
Seriously — look at this shit:
Thanks, CGI!
You don't think Lupus is strong enough to go into the afterlife, kick someone's as, then come back to Earth and squat 500 lbs, all before lunch…?!?