Core Concept

This "Let's Terrorize Poor Big Bird Across America"-movie must've scared the crap out of small kids when it first came out.

"This isn't the first time they've done it or the first time I've mentioned it, but holy hell they are playing with so much fire with those And Then There Were None clues…"

"Hey, Boo Boo! Don't forget that blowtorch!"

Yes, we are.

A.k.a. "War Profiteering."


"Shemp Kardashian"

You know, I really didn't need another reason to hate the Dodgers, but… thanks anyway.

Snoop Eisenhower tried to warn us about this in his Farewell Address!

Literally, got 5 seconds into the trailer before I bailed.

Damn straight, Thing!

Xmas is like Christmas only for those hip Generation X folks!

She's just full of good decisions!

Just like Eleanor Rigby!

Do you also have a vagina?

If loving you is GWONG I don't want to be GWIGHT.

Seriously, 1988-89 I could've been Thor.

Really should cover that camera on your laptop.

These days, a sliver of self-realization is a rarity.

Indeed, sir, you are both "dope" and "fly."