Core Concept

You'll always be "Handsome Pete" to me:

"The answer, my friend, is 'BLOW IT OUT YOUR ASS!'…"

Never eat vegetables.

I read this comment in "crabby old man-voice."

Stechy, baby!

"The Artful Gobbler"

I even guessed that one right.

Did you do the polite thing and send him back a dick pic?

At the game's outset, Jon seemed quite full of Ambien.
I literally yelled "WAKE THE FUCK UP, MAN !!!" at the TV.
(Granted, I yelled that at every TV show, but still… )

Game… set… match… @balok.

"Obi Wan Newcombe."

You young whipper-snappers may not believe this, but tennis was actually a big deal in the 1970's, especially Wimbledon and the US Open (for which CBS would deliberately not schedule NFL games to coincide with).

Borg was not only a great player, but he retired from the game early*… that would be a great story to tell.
I was definitely on "Team Borg" as a kid.

I remember that MASH episode — he was an old buddy of BJ's, and the 2 had a history of practical jokes. Exploding cigars and hand-buzzers abound. Chaos ensues when Cormwell nearly gets BJ arrested.

us all.

"1, 2, 3, 4…
Idiot boy tweets some more…
5, 6, 7, 8-9-10…
I hate you…"

"Who's my puppet, dahlink?"
"I am! I AM !!!"

Thanks, Mikey!

Regarding healthcare, I agree with this guy: