Core Concept

Not sure if my state's senators (Sasse and Fischer) will be having any public hearings on the matter.

I called up my governor's office today (NE) — hell, if Oklahoma, Kentucky, Mississippi, etc. can be against it, then by all means right-wing Nebraska should be, too!

Yeah, right… all that must cost a fortune!

"Suburban Shit Sandwich"

"… Leopold!"

"Ahhhh, Bark!"
— Radar

The original finale to "The Sound of Music!"

Didn't mean to insult Akroyd… just that he wasn't my very favorite alum (that would be Phil Hartman).

(( I can't up-vote Nazis — I'm Captain America, damnit! ))


( … very, very frightening! )

Shut up, Sting!

This website (5 calls) is pretty helpful — they even give you both [a] the needed phone #'s and [b] a sample script as to what to emphasize.


"Senator Pat Roberts of Kansas is not an accredited zoologist, nor does he hold an advanced degree in any of the environmental sciences.
He is simply an enthusiastic dirty old man with a sixth grade education and an abiding love for all animals fucking…
Share his love tonight on Senator Pat Roberts' Safari Sexfest!"

Ha! Your logic is useless against FOX News!

9. He's not my favorite SNL alum, but I must admit:
"The Blues Brothers"
"Trading Places"
and "Ghostbusters"
are 3 of the best comedies of the 1980's.

Actually, I had pretty thorough insurance… but I didn't mention that part because I didn't wanna make Rapasaurus Rex feel bad. But State Farm did, indeed, estimate the damage at $4,000+.