"I just told you — I don't do that!"
"I just told you — I don't do that!"
But Claire Kincaid is fine, right…?
Thanks, Mr. 9000!
Damn straight.
It was SportsCenter for most people before they ever got ESPN.
"Jello Pudding"
That was Roy Hobbs!
Guess this means the wedding's off?
( Gabbo, please! )
"F. Murray Sourgrapes"
Thanks, Obamacare!
Yeah, why not just write "What is DAMN YOU ALL TO HELL…?!?"
If you haven't seen it, another one you might check out by Lumet is "Fail-Safe":
They were both big in the 1980's!
Busy's not here, man.
There was a great 2 hour documentary about Lumet recently on PBS, simply called "By Sydeny Lumet".
Here's the trailer:
For FJ, I thought Pat was gonna get disqualified for potty mouth.
first, not everything has to be a damn debate. second, I was just trying to be considerate to anyone who hadn't seen it. third, and the horse you rode in on.